The following materials are made available by TK Elevator Australia Pty Ltd in response to an Object Fall from Height incident which occurred on 19 May 2020 and in compliance with an Enforceable Undertaking it has agreed to with the Victorian Workcover Authority (Worksafe) in August 2023. These materials have been developed to mitigate the risks associated with Objects Falling from Height especially in the Elevator Industry and to highlight the safety obligations that Organisations have to Sub-Contractors (as well as their own employees). TK Elevator makes these materials available via the AEA (Australian Elevator Association) to both the Elevator Industry and wider Industries in general, to focus attention on high-risk hazards when working at height and as a commitment to improving safety outcomes for employees, sub-contractors and other parties who may be exposed to objects falling from height.
Anatomy of an Object Fall from Height Incident Awareness Program
2. Contractor Safety Master Class
3. Shaft Safety Equipment Kit